The WB1GOF repeaters are housed in a cellular phone facility at the base of the Westford water tower.
Click on the Frequencies and codes item on the left for instructions on how to access these repeaters.

Pasted GraphicPasted Graphic 1
The WB1GOF system and 2m antenna

Repeater Use statement and letters to violators:

All repeater activity is monitored for violations of the published
WB1GOF Repeater Rules of Conduct and FCC Part 97. It is possible that Amateur Radio operators who have been found in violation may receive a letter from the repeater owners requesting that they cease use of the repeater. These letters will include specific actions by the Amateur Radio operator that warranted the request to cease use of the WB1GOF repeaters. Unless otherwise specified, there is no "end date" to when the suspension of use is lifted. Copies of each letter and the evidence gathered pertaining to the incident(s) are provided to the FCC for possible action on their behalf. Each subsequent violation or continued operation by the Amateur Radio operator receiving such owner correspondence will be documented and provided to the FCC for additional action.

If you hear any type of interference, please report the following info to "repeater" at "":

Time: When did the tracking event happen?
Observing location: Where were you? Were you mobile?
Frequency: Input only (146.355 MHz)
What you heard: Voices, tones, kerchunking or whatever.
Signal strength: Either by ear (noisy, quiet or full quiet) or S meter
Radio: To get an idea of the reporters radio situation.

Most important - what direction: How did you determine direction?
This is the most essential piece of information. Even if it's an estimate as in
"Roughly east" or "from the Northeast" it's useful.