July 2020 General Meeting
22/07/20 12:33
Minutes PART Meeting July 21, 2020
Via Cisco Webex
7:32 PM – 8:41 PM EDST
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
George, K1IG, opened another video meeting of the Club with 30 participants.
Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s report:
1) There are 88 paid members as of July 21, 2020;
2) Total balance in the cash account is $13,766.
a) Bob, W1IS, complemented George, K1IG, on his great job successfully auctioning off the many items from the late Jeff, KD1IT’s estate. Much better than eBay. I’m sure Jeff’s XYL was grateful.
b) At the suggestion of Hugh, N1QGE, a poll is being taken to gauge interest in a group outing to the American Heritage Museum in Stow/Hudson sometime in August. Please take the poll in the groups.io site.
c) Bill, K1NS, showed off his QSL card from King Hussein of Jordan (Silent Key), JY1.
Speaker for the evening was George, K1IG - Contesting for Non-Contesters.
His slide deck is available on the WB1GOF.org website in the Resources-Club Presentations page.
His deck includes lots of details so if any of the topics below are interesting check out his complete presentation on the WB1GOF site.
Via Cisco Webex
7:32 PM – 8:41 PM EDST
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
George, K1IG, opened another video meeting of the Club with 30 participants.
Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s report:
1) There are 88 paid members as of July 21, 2020;
2) Total balance in the cash account is $13,766.
a) Bob, W1IS, complemented George, K1IG, on his great job successfully auctioning off the many items from the late Jeff, KD1IT’s estate. Much better than eBay. I’m sure Jeff’s XYL was grateful.
b) At the suggestion of Hugh, N1QGE, a poll is being taken to gauge interest in a group outing to the American Heritage Museum in Stow/Hudson sometime in August. Please take the poll in the groups.io site.
c) Bill, K1NS, showed off his QSL card from King Hussein of Jordan (Silent Key), JY1.
Speaker for the evening was George, K1IG - Contesting for Non-Contesters.
His slide deck is available on the WB1GOF.org website in the Resources-Club Presentations page.
His deck includes lots of details so if any of the topics below are interesting check out his complete presentation on the WB1GOF site.
- There are hundreds of websites for contesting tools.
- Check out ContestCalendar.com by WA7BNM.
- Contesting Basics
- Loggers
- For Windows the most popular is the free N1MM by n1mmwp.hamdocs.com
- For the Mac there is SkookumLogger by k1gq.com
- For Linux there is Andy’s Hamradio SW
- Spotter Nets
- dxSummit.fi (check calls for errors before you work them)
- Skimmers (decodes CQ’s and display call signs)
- Databases for logging assistance
- Country List
- Super-Check Partial
- Propagation forecasts
- Reverse Beacon networks
- Operating the Contest
- Read the rules
- Exchanges
- After the Contest
- Submission of logs
- List of resources
- Just have fun!