April 2022 General Meeting

A monthly meeting of PART was held in-person at the Cameron Senior Center and on Webex on 19 April 2022  at 7:30 PM.

George (K1IG) called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM. The president, vice president, and secretary were in attendance. 

Introductions were made by the members in the Cameron Center

Bob Rose, KC1DSQ, and Bob Glorioso, W1IS, won another QST cover award for the March 2022 issue.

Membership and treasurer’s reports were given by Alan, W1AHM.

A presentation on SOTA/POTA was given by Mindy, KM1NDY.

George presented proposed changes to the PART Articles of Organization. The membership approved the changes by acclamation.

Revised Article 5 is as follows:

SECTION 5.01 Membership. Any person licensed as a radio amateur by the FCC or foreign government may become a voting member of this organization. Those not possessing an amateur radio license may become Associate Members. 

SECTION 5.02 Full Member. A Full Member shall be an Amateur Radio licensee who has applied for membership in the organization and has paid the appropriate dues. The term of membership will last until the end of the calendar year. This member shall have voting privileges in any matters of the organization and shall have the right to run for any office within the organization. 

SECTION 5.03 Family Membership. A Family Membership shall be available to all Amateur Radio operators living in the same household. Each licensee in thie household shall have all of the privileges of a Full Member. 

SECTION 5.04 Student Member. Any High School or College student under the age of 25 with an Amateur Radio license shall qualify for this category. This member shall have all of the privileges of a Full Member. 
SECTION 5.05. Senior Member. Any licensed Amateur Radio operator age 64 or older. This member shall have all of the privileges of a Full Member. 

SECTION 5.06 Associate Member. This member category is a person who wishes to be associated with the organization, and an amateur radio license is not required. This member shall have no voting privileges and cannot hold an office in the organization, but is encouraged to attend meetings.
SECTION 5.07 Dues. Dues are payable annually on January 1. Members may not vote at meetings or hold office until dues are paid. Dues are established as follows:
A. Full Member: $25.
B. Family Membership: $30.
C. Senior Member (64 and over): $15.
D. Student Member: Free.
E. Associate Member: $10.

SECTION 5.08. Newly Licensed Amateurs. Any person licensed for the first time shall have dues waived for the remainder of the calendar year in which the license is received.

George closed the meeting at 9:10 PM.

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