February 2025 General Meeting
21/02/25 13:18
Date & Time: 18 February 2024 7:30 PM EDT
Location: Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford, MA 01886
Attendance: In-person: 33 On-line: 6
- Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by George K1IG, PART President
- Attendees both in person and online were introduced
- No treasurer and membership reports this month
- Bob, W1IS, discussed the second edition of his "Wire Antennas" book and sold them at the meeting.
- Field Day
-- We are confirmed for the Concord Rod & Gun Club
-- We need to decide if we want to continue with QRP again this year
- Ham Clock presentation and demonstration by George K1IG
-- Ham Clock homepage: https://www.clearskyinstitute.com/ham/HamClock/
-- Useful for knowing when to:
--- Communicate and not try to communicate with chosen parts of the world
--- Use specific bands and communication techniques (FT8, etc.)
-- Can be loaded on Linux and Mac OS
-- Getting Ham Clock working on Windows is a challenge
-- Possible solution for Windows is to load Ham Clock on a Raspberry Pi and access it via http
- Kit build
-- Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W: http://www.amazon.com/CanaKit-Raspberry-Zero-Starter-64GB/dp/B0CT1NWTHY
-- Club will reimburse members $25 for those who purchase a Raspberry Pi between Feb 18 and March 20. Members must provide a receipt at the March membership meeting. Limit one reimbursement per family / individual membership.
-- George K1IG will email instructions to the club mail list for installing Ham Clock on a Raspberry Pi
-- Thank you Andy KB1OIQ for creating the instructions
- Next meeting:
-- Thursday March 20 7:30 PM
-- Guest Speaker: Force 12 Antennas (https://jkantennas.com/)
- Meeting adjourned at 8:58 PM by George K1IG, PART President
Location: Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford, MA 01886
Attendance: In-person: 33 On-line: 6
- Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by George K1IG, PART President
- Attendees both in person and online were introduced
- No treasurer and membership reports this month
- Bob, W1IS, discussed the second edition of his "Wire Antennas" book and sold them at the meeting.
- Field Day
-- We are confirmed for the Concord Rod & Gun Club
-- We need to decide if we want to continue with QRP again this year
- Ham Clock presentation and demonstration by George K1IG
-- Ham Clock homepage: https://www.clearskyinstitute.com/ham/HamClock/
-- Useful for knowing when to:
--- Communicate and not try to communicate with chosen parts of the world
--- Use specific bands and communication techniques (FT8, etc.)
-- Can be loaded on Linux and Mac OS
-- Getting Ham Clock working on Windows is a challenge
-- Possible solution for Windows is to load Ham Clock on a Raspberry Pi and access it via http
- Kit build
-- Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W: http://www.amazon.com/CanaKit-Raspberry-Zero-Starter-64GB/dp/B0CT1NWTHY
-- Club will reimburse members $25 for those who purchase a Raspberry Pi between Feb 18 and March 20. Members must provide a receipt at the March membership meeting. Limit one reimbursement per family / individual membership.
-- George K1IG will email instructions to the club mail list for installing Ham Clock on a Raspberry Pi
-- Thank you Andy KB1OIQ for creating the instructions
- Next meeting:
-- Thursday March 20 7:30 PM
-- Guest Speaker: Force 12 Antennas (https://jkantennas.com/)
- Meeting adjourned at 8:58 PM by George K1IG, PART President