May 2020 General Meeting
27/05/20 19:33
Minutes PART Meeting May 19, 2020
Via Cisco Webex
7:30 PM – 8:51 PM EDST
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Andy, KB1OIQ, VP
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
George, K1IG, opened another successful video meeting of the Club with 40 participants.
1. George, K1IG, remarked that we are still on hold as to how Field Day will be conducted. You can check
the ARRL website to get an idea of what other clubs are going to do.
2. Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s report:
a. there are 83 paid members;
b. total balance in the cash account is $13,250.
Speaker for the session was Terry, KA8SCP, who spoke on the Westford repeaters:
A. Analog 146.955
B. D-Star 442.450
C. D-Star 145.330
Highlights of Terry’s talk:
1. Timeline of the repeater installations
a. First repeater was the 442.45 put together by Ernie, N1AEW; Terry, KA8SCP; Bill Kent, KW1G;
Dave, WI1R; and operated from N1AEW’s basement.
b. In 1999, the repeater was moved into two relay racks, at the old Westford water tower on
Prospect Hill.
c. Currently, there are two new commercial grade two meter antennas and a new 440 antenna
along with respective new hardline on top of the new water tower. The antenna tops are now
some 580 ft. above sea level. A drone video was taken by Jamie, N1RHY, showing the antenna
installations along with the far reaching view from the water tower.
d. The Kenwood TK-750-K2 two meter machine has been operating for 95k hours.
e. The move to D-Star came on April 03, 2010.
f. All operating costs for all of the repeaters are borne by the Town of Westford and a cell site
operator, AT&T. The machines are in a climate control building along with a standby emergency
power generator. The site is restricted as per Homeland Security.
2. Co-channel users:
a. Augusta, ME on 146.955 PL of 100.0
b. Morris, CT on 146.955 PL of 100.0
c. Dennis, MA on 146.955 PL of 88.5
Terry’s slide deck will be available on the WB1GOF website later.
Being no further business the video conference ended at 8:51 PM.
Via Cisco Webex
7:30 PM – 8:51 PM EDST
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Andy, KB1OIQ, VP
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
George, K1IG, opened another successful video meeting of the Club with 40 participants.
1. George, K1IG, remarked that we are still on hold as to how Field Day will be conducted. You can check
the ARRL website to get an idea of what other clubs are going to do.
2. Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s report:
a. there are 83 paid members;
b. total balance in the cash account is $13,250.
Speaker for the session was Terry, KA8SCP, who spoke on the Westford repeaters:
A. Analog 146.955
B. D-Star 442.450
C. D-Star 145.330
Highlights of Terry’s talk:
1. Timeline of the repeater installations
a. First repeater was the 442.45 put together by Ernie, N1AEW; Terry, KA8SCP; Bill Kent, KW1G;
Dave, WI1R; and operated from N1AEW’s basement.
b. In 1999, the repeater was moved into two relay racks, at the old Westford water tower on
Prospect Hill.
c. Currently, there are two new commercial grade two meter antennas and a new 440 antenna
along with respective new hardline on top of the new water tower. The antenna tops are now
some 580 ft. above sea level. A drone video was taken by Jamie, N1RHY, showing the antenna
installations along with the far reaching view from the water tower.
d. The Kenwood TK-750-K2 two meter machine has been operating for 95k hours.
e. The move to D-Star came on April 03, 2010.
f. All operating costs for all of the repeaters are borne by the Town of Westford and a cell site
operator, AT&T. The machines are in a climate control building along with a standby emergency
power generator. The site is restricted as per Homeland Security.
2. Co-channel users:
a. Augusta, ME on 146.955 PL of 100.0
b. Morris, CT on 146.955 PL of 100.0
c. Dennis, MA on 146.955 PL of 88.5
Terry’s slide deck will be available on the WB1GOF website later.
Being no further business the video conference ended at 8:51 PM.