October 2020 General Meeting

Minutes PART Meeting October 20, 2020 
Via Cisco WebEx 
7:32 PM – 8:55 PM EDT 
Officers Present: 
George, K1IG, Pres 
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer 
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary 
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large 
George, K1IG, opened another video meeting of the Club with 27 participants. 
  1. The QSO Today Ham Radio Expo is scheduled to be held virtually on March 13-14, 2021. 
  2. The CQ WW SSB contest is this weekend, October 24, beginning 0000Z.  Good opportunity to get those needed DX contacts. 
  3. Alan, W1AHM, presented the Treasurer’s report: 
    1. 92 members 
    2. $6909 balance in the General Fund 
    3. $5705 in the Repeater Fund 
    4. Total cash on hand $13,883. 
  4. Alan, K1ALL, Nominating Committee, presented the slate for the 2021 PART Officers: 
    1. President – George Allison, K1IG 
    2. Vice Pres. -  Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ 
    3. Treasurer – Alan Martin, W1AHM 
    4. Secretary – Chauncey Chu, K1OPE 
    5. A motion and a second was made to vote for the above nominations.  A unanimous vote of the present members was taken.  Congratulations to the new officers.  
    6. We thank K1ALL for his efforts to pull together this slate. 
  5. K1IG and W1IS made a few comments to memorialize Alan Marshall, W1CCE, SK. 
K1IG introduced our guest from NC via electrons, Doug Hall, K4DSP, who spoke on antenna tuners. 
As Doug’s slide deck was very complete, please refer to his presentation on the WB1GOF website for some good info. 
A Q&A session followed.  Lots of questions and comments. 
George wrapped up the meeting by reminding us of next month’s meeting for November 17

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