December 2024 Holiday Party

WB1GOF Police Amateur Radio Team (PART)
Holiday Party Minutes

Date & Time: 19 December 2024 6:00 PM EDT
Location: Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford, MA 01886
Attendance: In-person: 32 On-line: 0

- Holiday party called to order at 6:07 PM by George K1IG, PART President
- George K1IG presented opening remarks:
-- 107 club members of which 21 were new this year as of the holiday party
-- 2 silent keys: Jim AC1DJ, Alan W1GXH

-- Accomplishments:
--- Renewed our ARRL Special Service Club status
--- Started regular POTAs thanks to Niece KA1ULN, Adam AA1N and others
--- Taught a CW class
--- Bob W1IS and Bob KC1DSQ published the second edition of their antenna book

- Congratulations to the following raffle winners:
-- Andy KB1OIQ won a lava lamp
-- Bob W1IS won a lava lamp
-- K1OPE won a lava lamp
-- AB1HV won a lava lamp
-- Adam AA1N won a lava lamp and gave it to Michelle KC1ULM‘s daughter
-- Bill K1NS won a $25 gift card
-- Jeff KC1QFD won a $50 gift card
-- Michelle KB1NIQ won a $75 gift card

- Thank you to Rich AB1HD for arranging the food. It was delicious.

- Thank you to Adam AA1N, George K1IG, and Kevin KC1TJD for the holiday party setup.
- Upcoming meetings:

-- January – Haystack Observatory presentation
-- February – Antenna manufacturer presentation

- Meeting adjourned at 7:11 PM by George K1IG, PART President

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