September 2021 General Meeting
22/09/21 14:07
Minutes PART Meeting September 21, 2021
7:32 PM – 9:20 PM EDT
Remote via WebEx
Officers Present:
Participants: 30
A few announcements:
Our guest speaker for the evening was Fred, AB1OC, President of the Nashua Area Radio Society who spoke on bringing new hams into the hobby.
His presentation is available at:
Afterwards, he made a campaign statement for his candidacy for the forthcoming ARRL New England Division Director election.
Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, incumbent, will speak on his candidacy and ARRL matters at next month’s meeting.
Alan, W1AHM, wrapped up the meeting with the Treasurer’s Report:
7:32 PM – 9:20 PM EDT
Remote via WebEx
Officers Present:
- George, K1IG, Pres
- Andy, KB1OIQ, VPres
- Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
- Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
- Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
Participants: 30
A few announcements:
- From K1IG – George congratulated Jim, KB1SEQ, for getting his Extra class license;
- K1IG reminded us of the Scouts’ Jamboree event this October 15-17th;
- KB1OIQ participated in a Rt. 66 event;
- Fred, AB1OC, worked the WBZ Special Event stations;
- Due to the low responses to the holiday party survey, there will be no holiday party this year.
Our guest speaker for the evening was Fred, AB1OC, President of the Nashua Area Radio Society who spoke on bringing new hams into the hobby.
His presentation is available at:
Afterwards, he made a campaign statement for his candidacy for the forthcoming ARRL New England Division Director election.
Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, incumbent, will speak on his candidacy and ARRL matters at next month’s meeting.
Alan, W1AHM, wrapped up the meeting with the Treasurer’s Report:
- 99 paid members
- $7,520 balance in the General Fund
- $6,181 in the Repeater Fund
- $1,269 in the Kit Building Fund
- Total cash on hand $14,970.