November 2018 General Meeting
20/11/18 19:30
Minutes PART Meeting November 20, 2018
Cameron Senior Center, Westford, MA
7:30 PM – 9:10 PM
Officers Present:
Andy, KB1OIQ, Pres
George, K1IG, VP
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
Participants: 29
KB1OIQ opened the meeting with a round of introductions.
Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s Report
92 members
Balance in the cash account is $12,121 of which $5,931 is the Repeater Fund.
1. Hugh, N1QGE, Membership, thanked everyone for their Food Pantry donations.
a. Hugh announced details on our annual holiday party held at the Yangtze River Restaurant in Littleton. Everyone should have received the email flyer describing this event. This year’s gift swap theme will be Toys – be imaginative. Something new this year will be that we will be accepting Food Pantry donations at the party. Rich, AB1HD, will be collecting these.
b. Hugh has reserved the Cameron Center meeting room for our 2019 meeting nights – the third Tuesday of each month.
i. Jennifer Claro, Director off the Senior Center, asked Hugh since this was a technical group if we would consider offering some form of computer guidance to the seniors. There is a high school student who does help out on a limited basis during the days. Perhaps, a few volunteers could supplement this. Rich, AB1HD, suggested we also offer assistance with smart phones.
c. Andy, KB1OIQ, announced the Board of Directors will hold a meeting next Tuesday. Some topics to be discussed are repeater history, and adoption of a revised club constitution. Updates to the membership will follow as they develop.
d. Andy, Steve, W1KBE , and Allison, KB1GMX, are planning a kit building event. Stay tuned.
e. Andy is tossing around holding a session to using amateur radio apps in the Linux operating system if there is enough interest.
f. George, K1IG, announced the 2018 Field Day results for the Club.
i. At Field Day 2018, we scored 6,684 points. This put us at:
ii. #2 in 3A EMA
iii. #3 in EMA
iv. #7 in New England Division 3A
v. #12 in New England Division
vi. And #115 out of 2,902 total entries.
g. Greg, N1DAM, announced the results of the New England Division Director election results.
i. Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, will take over from Tom Frenaye, K1KI.
h. Several members mentioned a number of repeaters recently heard on the 146.955 machine. They could be due to propagation allowing repeaters from the Cape, ME, or CT to be heard.
i. Hugh updated us on the new water tank in town, and that the radio antennas will move sometime in the near future. Andy reminded us that the repeater is privately owned, and the repeater fund will help support the reinstallation of the amateur repeaters.
Speaker for the evening:
Larry Banks, W1DYJ, was our speaker: “During the 56 years that W1DYJ has been a ham, he has built and used many antennas. Using ARRL awards as goals, this talk will survey his antennas in Woburn and Harpswell, ME, as he pursued these awards. Some simple antenna theory is included.”
Larry’s presentation slides, One Ham’s Journey with Antennas, are on his website
A link to this site will be on the WB1GOF website.
This was an interesting evening hearing about another ham’s antenna experiences.
See everyone next month at our Annual Holiday Dinner.
Have an enjoyable Thanksgiving.
Chauncey, K1OPE
Cameron Senior Center, Westford, MA
7:30 PM – 9:10 PM
Officers Present:
Andy, KB1OIQ, Pres
George, K1IG, VP
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
Participants: 29
KB1OIQ opened the meeting with a round of introductions.
Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s Report
92 members
Balance in the cash account is $12,121 of which $5,931 is the Repeater Fund.
1. Hugh, N1QGE, Membership, thanked everyone for their Food Pantry donations.
a. Hugh announced details on our annual holiday party held at the Yangtze River Restaurant in Littleton. Everyone should have received the email flyer describing this event. This year’s gift swap theme will be Toys – be imaginative. Something new this year will be that we will be accepting Food Pantry donations at the party. Rich, AB1HD, will be collecting these.
b. Hugh has reserved the Cameron Center meeting room for our 2019 meeting nights – the third Tuesday of each month.
i. Jennifer Claro, Director off the Senior Center, asked Hugh since this was a technical group if we would consider offering some form of computer guidance to the seniors. There is a high school student who does help out on a limited basis during the days. Perhaps, a few volunteers could supplement this. Rich, AB1HD, suggested we also offer assistance with smart phones.
c. Andy, KB1OIQ, announced the Board of Directors will hold a meeting next Tuesday. Some topics to be discussed are repeater history, and adoption of a revised club constitution. Updates to the membership will follow as they develop.
d. Andy, Steve, W1KBE , and Allison, KB1GMX, are planning a kit building event. Stay tuned.
e. Andy is tossing around holding a session to using amateur radio apps in the Linux operating system if there is enough interest.
f. George, K1IG, announced the 2018 Field Day results for the Club.
i. At Field Day 2018, we scored 6,684 points. This put us at:
ii. #2 in 3A EMA
iii. #3 in EMA
iv. #7 in New England Division 3A
v. #12 in New England Division
vi. And #115 out of 2,902 total entries.
g. Greg, N1DAM, announced the results of the New England Division Director election results.
i. Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, will take over from Tom Frenaye, K1KI.
h. Several members mentioned a number of repeaters recently heard on the 146.955 machine. They could be due to propagation allowing repeaters from the Cape, ME, or CT to be heard.
i. Hugh updated us on the new water tank in town, and that the radio antennas will move sometime in the near future. Andy reminded us that the repeater is privately owned, and the repeater fund will help support the reinstallation of the amateur repeaters.
Speaker for the evening:
Larry Banks, W1DYJ, was our speaker: “During the 56 years that W1DYJ has been a ham, he has built and used many antennas. Using ARRL awards as goals, this talk will survey his antennas in Woburn and Harpswell, ME, as he pursued these awards. Some simple antenna theory is included.”
Larry’s presentation slides, One Ham’s Journey with Antennas, are on his website
A link to this site will be on the WB1GOF website.
This was an interesting evening hearing about another ham’s antenna experiences.
See everyone next month at our Annual Holiday Dinner.
Have an enjoyable Thanksgiving.
Chauncey, K1OPE