February 2019 General Meeting

Minutes PART Meeting February 19, 2019
Cameron Senior Center, Westford, MA
7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Officers Present:
Andy, KB1OIQ, Pres
George, K1IG, VP
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary

Participants:  35

KB1OIQ opened the meeting with a round of introductions.

Hugh, N1QGE, Membership, described the process to order a PART call sign badge.
He thanked everyone for their Food Pantry donations, especially for the many Dinty Moore beef stews.
Hugh then asked if there was any interest in a road trip to southern NH sometime this summer.
The trip would start off at The Point in Littleton and then head north to Parker’s Maple Barn in Mason, NH for a leisurely breakfast.  Afterwards, the group would journey to Peterborough for a visit to Pack Monadnock for some mountain top operating.
A survey to gauge interest will be sent out later.

Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s Report
  1. Latest member count for 2019 is 51;
  2. Balance in the cash account as of Feb 18 is $12,752 of which $6,106 is in the Repeater Fund.
Andy, KB1OIQ, gave an update on the kit building event.
This event is generously funded by an anonymous member.
If all of the parts arrive soon, and with the help of Steve, W1KBE, and Allison, KB1GMX, this event will take place in two weeks.
The kit will center on learning the Arduino and how it can be used in ham radio applications.  The sessions will consist of four consecutive Monday evenings at Andy’s home.  There is a physical limit of four to five participants.  The participants will need some prior programming and soldering skills.  They will also need to provide their own tools and a laptop to run the Arduino software.
Contact Andy if you are interested.

The Club is still looking for a number of volunteers to assist in some essential club functions such as website administration and co-editing the newsletter.
Please see Andy if you want to help out in some manner.

Speaker for the evening:
Ted Robinson, K1QAR, spoke about high-power near-field magnetic loops.  He described the loop as a Leaky Tank Circuit.  He discussed the advantages of using ¾” copper piping and the need for high voltage capacitors.  The loop in the receiving mode was highly effective in nulling out RFI from electric pole transformers and LED lamps.
Ted brought in a prototype of a high power magnetic loop showing its simplified construction and tuning which solved some of the major problems with existing designs.
He talked about his method of hoisting the loop up into trees.

A shout-out goes to Greg, N1DAM, for lining up these interesting topics and speakers.

Stay warm, and hope to see everyone next month.
Chauncey, K1OPE

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