June 2020 General Meeting
17/06/20 12:38
Minutes PART Meeting June 16, 2020
Via Cisco Webex
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM EDST
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Andy, KB1OIQ, VP
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
George, K1IG, opened another video meeting of the Club with 40 participants.
For some reason there were a number of people who had log-in issues with this WebEx session.
Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s report:
1) There are 85 paid members as of June 16, 2020;
2) Total balance in the cash account is $13,136 as of June 15, 2020.
Speaker for the evening was George, K1IG, who spoke on the upcoming major Field Day rule changes.
His slide deck is available the WB1GOF.org website in the Resources-Club Presentations page.
Topics covered in George’s talk:
Complete details for the above topics are in George’s slide deck.
Being no further business, the video conference ended at 8:30 PM.
Via Cisco Webex
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM EDST
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Andy, KB1OIQ, VP
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
George, K1IG, opened another video meeting of the Club with 40 participants.
For some reason there were a number of people who had log-in issues with this WebEx session.
Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s report:
1) There are 85 paid members as of June 16, 2020;
2) Total balance in the cash account is $13,136 as of June 15, 2020.
Speaker for the evening was George, K1IG, who spoke on the upcoming major Field Day rule changes.
His slide deck is available the WB1GOF.org website in the Resources-Club Presentations page.
Topics covered in George’s talk:
- This might be the biggest FD ever;
- Station Set Up;
- QSO Points;
- Bonus points;
- Making contacts;
- Logging contacts;
- Dupe sheets;
- Entry form;
- Possible awards from the club will be given at the August meeting;
- FD is not a true contest - the objective is to have fun;
- Make sure to indicate on your entry WB1GOF is your club.
Complete details for the above topics are in George’s slide deck.
Being no further business, the video conference ended at 8:30 PM.