March 2021 General Meetig
20/03/21 13:54
Minutes PART Meeting March 16, 2021
Via Cisco WebEx
7:31 PM – 8:42 PM EDT
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Andy, KB1OIQ, VPres
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
Participants: 26
George, K1IG, opened the meeting with a few announcements:
Alan, W1AHM, presented the Treasurer’s report:
Tonight’s talk was on baluns given by Bob, W1IS and Bob Rose, KC1DSQ.
Their presentation will be available on the website and so will not be highlighted here.
George recapped the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo held on March 12-13th.
Via Cisco WebEx
7:31 PM – 8:42 PM EDT
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Andy, KB1OIQ, VPres
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
Participants: 26
George, K1IG, opened the meeting with a few announcements:
- This year’s Field Day will be held June 26-27th . As George has not heard back from the Concord Rod and Gun Club not sure whether FD will be held there.
- The Cameron Senior Center may open up in May. We will see whether our meetings can resume there.
- George will speak on what happened at the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo later in the meeting.
Alan, W1AHM, presented the Treasurer’s report:
- 65 paid members as of the meeting date
- $7,866 balance in the General Fund
- $5,880 in the Repeater Fund
- $1,269 in the Kit Building Fund
- Total cash on hand $15,015.
Tonight’s talk was on baluns given by Bob, W1IS and Bob Rose, KC1DSQ.
Their presentation will be available on the website and so will not be highlighted here.
George recapped the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo held on March 12-13th.
- There were a number of technical difficulties.
- The organizer was trying to combine two different platforms for the one event.
- Difficulty in logging in.
- Poor video quality.
- Not running on time.
- Lack of real time help.
- The presenters had prerecorded their talks and so these will be made available later to ticketholders.
- Hopefully, these travails will be resolved by the organizer for the next Expo.
- The ARRL announced they will sell end-fed antenna kits.