June 2021 General Meeting

Minutes PART Meeting June 15, 2021 
Via Cisco WebEx 
7:33 PM – 9:13 PM EDT 
Officers Present: 
  • George, K1IG, Pres 
  • Andy, KB1OIQ, VPres 
  • Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer 
  • Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary 
  • Bob, W1IS, Director at Large 
Participants: 33 
George, K1IG, opened the meeting, and asked Alan, W1AHM, to give the Treasurer’s Report: 
  • 85 paid members 
  • $8,208 balance in the General Fund 
  • $5,995 in the Repeater Fund 
  • $1,269 in the Kit Building Fund 
  • Total cash on hand $15,472. 
In-person club meetings. 
George and Hugh, N1QGE, reported there is a possibility that we can resume using the Cameron Senior Center for meetings beginning with our July meeting.  Awaiting word from the Council on Aging. 
George is also pursuing using a room at the Center on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for VE sessions. 
George led the topic for the evening -
Field Day.  A complete job of the following: 
  1. Will be held June 26-27th at the Concord Rod and Gun Club. 
  2. Antenna setup will be on Friday, June 25th at 10 AM. 
  3. Operating stations and lead operators. 
  4. Site Plan 
  5. Infrastructure leads. 
  6. Attendance Sign-in. 
  7. Food – Need an accurate headcount by Sunday, June 13. 
    1. W1RAG and W1ADL are the leads 
    2. Saturday lunch 
    3. Saturday dinner 
    4. Sunday breakfast 
    5. PPP concerns – especially gloves 
    6. Need an extra 4 hands to help Rick and Charlie. 
  8. There will be no mandatory Covid restrictions – use your own judgement. 
  9. Use 446.025 simplex for communications at the site. 
  10. Try to get as many Bonus Points. 
  11. Operating as class 4A EMA. 
  12. There will be Operator sign-up sheets but just come and you will get an operating slot. 
  13. Propagation forecasts look good for 80, 40 and 20m. 
  14. Need an extra generator. 
  15. Bob, W1IS, lead the antennas setups.  He listed the items needed especially long RG8X runs.  Be sure to label everything with your call. 
  16. There will be station information packets at each operating site.  Most of the stations are pre-programmed and will require a minimal amount of button pushing. 
  17. Logging except for the 10 m and VHF station will be done via RUMlogNG. 
  18. Will need the following volunteers: 
    1. Antenna crew 
    2. Attendance helper 
    3. Ambassadors 
    4. Assistant Safety Officer 
    5. Sunday teardown and clean-up. 
    6. You can participate from your home station and add your score to PART’s.  See the rules for some limitations.  Submit your own entry. 
  19. Lastly, George, went over the Safety Risks everyone should be aware of. 

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