September 2019 General Meeting
17/09/19 19:30
Minutes PART Meeting September 17, 2019
Cameron Senior Center, Westford, MA
7:30 PM – 8:35 PM
Officers Present:
Andy, KB1OIQ, Pres
George, K1IG, VP
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
Attendees: 31
Andy, KB1OIQ, opened the meeting with the usual round of introductions.
Our first speaker for the evening was Bob, W1IS on the 40m wire beam antennas used for CW and SSB at the 2019 PART Field Day site.
Bob spoke on the design, analysis, construction and wire choices.
His presentation will be available on the WB1GOF website.
The last speaker was Rick, W1RAG, who gave an entertaining pictorial of the many aspects of the 2019 Field Day.
His slide deck will also be available on the WB1GOF website.
Enjoy the last days of summer.
See everyone next month.
Chauncey, K1OPE
Cameron Senior Center, Westford, MA
7:30 PM – 8:35 PM
Officers Present:
Andy, KB1OIQ, Pres
George, K1IG, VP
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
Attendees: 31
Andy, KB1OIQ, opened the meeting with the usual round of introductions.
- Alan, W1AHM, gave the Treasurer’s report – as of tonight there are 91 members. Balance in the General Fund is $12,839 with $6,370 in the Repeater Fund. We welcomed three new members this evening.
- Thought I would add this chart:
- Officers’ election. All incumbents were unopposed and thus re-elected for the new year. Congratulations to the officers.
- George, K1IG, our incoming President, thanked Andy for his ten years of service as club president. George presented Andy with a few souvenirs of his leadership: “A Survival Guide for Working With Bad Bosses”; a packet of floppy discs for Windows 3.0; another book, “101 Skills You Need to Survive in the Woods”; and a service award plaque.
- LtCol Bryan Pillai of the U.S. Army Military Police Battalion presented Andy a Certificate of Appreciation and a medallion for Andy’s recent help in providing training on communications to his staff.
- Terry, KA8SCP, had a few announcements:
- He continues to look for an Assistant Editor for the club newsletter, PARTicles. There was one volunteer from the audience.
- EchoLink remains down to a failure in the system’s IC-706.
- The repeaters’ telephone line was disconnected due to an administrative mix-up but will be straightened out.
- The new water tower is completed, and plans to relocate the repeaters are in discussion.
- Still looking for a number of volunteers for the Baystate Marathon, October 20, 2019, to handle health and welfare communications. Please contact Terry.
Our first speaker for the evening was Bob, W1IS on the 40m wire beam antennas used for CW and SSB at the 2019 PART Field Day site.
Bob spoke on the design, analysis, construction and wire choices.
His presentation will be available on the WB1GOF website.
The last speaker was Rick, W1RAG, who gave an entertaining pictorial of the many aspects of the 2019 Field Day.
His slide deck will also be available on the WB1GOF website.
Enjoy the last days of summer.
See everyone next month.
Chauncey, K1OPE