May 2021 General Meeting
19/05/21 12:13
Minutes PART Meeting May 18, 2021
Via Cisco WebEx
7:33 PM – 8:48 PM EDT
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Andy, KB1OIQ, VPres
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
Participants: 40
George, K1IG, opened the meeting, and asked Alan, W1AHM, to give the Treasurer’s Report:
1. 78 paid members 2. $8,126 balance in the General Fund 3. $5,985 in the Repeater Fund 4. $1,269 in the Kit Building Fund 5. Total cash on hand $15,381. Hugh, N1QGE, reported that there is a possibility that we can resume using the Cameron Senior Center for in-person meetings. He is working on getting the necessary approvals. We could hold a hybrid (in-person plus remote) meeting if we can improve the Internet connection.
George is waiting to hear what Paul’s Diner policy will be on holding our monthly breakfasts there.
This year’s Field Day will be held June 26-27th at the Concord Rod and Gun Club. See the June QST for some Field Day information. All plans are tentative. Antenna setup will be on Friday, June 25th.
Planning for following stations: CW, Phone, VHF, Digital, Satellite, Radiograms.
The GOTA station is questionable.
Volunteers needed for:
Assistant Safety Officer
Sunday teardown and clean-up.
You can participate from your home station and add your score to PART’s. See the rules for some limitations.
An interest survey will be sent out early June.
We still need to determine:
Number of attendees
Number of stations
Covid restrictions.
Our speakers for the evening were famed authors, Bob, W1IS, and Bob, KC1DSQ. They described their Portable 2 element 40m Wire Beam as shown in the June QST. Be sure to vote for this as the article-of-the-month.
A second antenna, 20m Phased Dipole was shown.
The slide deck for the first antenna will be posted to the WB1GOF website shortly. The second antenna slides will be posted after publication of the magazine article. As such no recap will be given here.
After their presentation, Geoff, W1GCF, offered to head up a possible VEC session.
The meeting ended after a few minutes of a ragchew.
Via Cisco WebEx
7:33 PM – 8:48 PM EDT
Officers Present:
George, K1IG, Pres
Andy, KB1OIQ, VPres
Alan, W1AHM, Treasurer
Chauncey, K1OPE, Secretary
Bob, W1IS, Director at Large
Participants: 40
George, K1IG, opened the meeting, and asked Alan, W1AHM, to give the Treasurer’s Report:
George is waiting to hear what Paul’s Diner policy will be on holding our monthly breakfasts there.
This year’s Field Day will be held June 26-27th at the Concord Rod and Gun Club. See the June QST for some Field Day information. All plans are tentative. Antenna setup will be on Friday, June 25th.
Planning for following stations: CW, Phone, VHF, Digital, Satellite, Radiograms.
The GOTA station is questionable.
Volunteers needed for:
Assistant Safety Officer
Sunday teardown and clean-up.
You can participate from your home station and add your score to PART’s. See the rules for some limitations.
An interest survey will be sent out early June.
We still need to determine:
Number of attendees
Number of stations
Covid restrictions.
Our speakers for the evening were famed authors, Bob, W1IS, and Bob, KC1DSQ. They described their Portable 2 element 40m Wire Beam as shown in the June QST. Be sure to vote for this as the article-of-the-month.
A second antenna, 20m Phased Dipole was shown.
The slide deck for the first antenna will be posted to the WB1GOF website shortly. The second antenna slides will be posted after publication of the magazine article. As such no recap will be given here.
After their presentation, Geoff, W1GCF, offered to head up a possible VEC session.
The meeting ended after a few minutes of a ragchew.