Emergency Communications (EMCOMM)
The WB1GOF 146.955 repeater is used on the first Monday of every month (except federal/state holidays) for an EmComm Net starting at 1930 local time. If you are interested in being part of the local emergency communications team in your community, contact any of the following PART members, who are always looking for volunteers:
Terry Stader – KA8SCP, MEMA Region 1 Communications Officer & Town of Westford
Alan Martin – W1AHM, Middlesex County District Emergency Coordinator ARES
Robert Glorioso — W1IS, Town of Stow Emergency Coordinator
For further information on EMCOMM in Eastern Massachusetts, go here.
Terry Stader – KA8SCP, MEMA Region 1 Communications Officer & Town of Westford
Alan Martin – W1AHM, Middlesex County District Emergency Coordinator ARES
Robert Glorioso — W1IS, Town of Stow Emergency Coordinator
For further information on EMCOMM in Eastern Massachusetts, go here.

PART club members Dave, WI1R, and Terry, WA8SCP, participating at an emergency preparedness drill run by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)
The WB1GOF 146.955 repeater is also used for reporting significant weather events to the National Weather Service from our local spotters. You can provide valuable information even if you have not attended one of the training sessions. Listen to the Skywarn Net Control Station for reporting criteria, when you have information that qualifies, please advise him with your
For information on Skywarn in Eastern Massachusetts, go here.
For information on Skywarn in Eastern Massachusetts, go here.
Situational Awareness
Recently, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency has asked the Amateur Radio community to provide situational awareness and disaster intelligence information within your local community via EmComm nets and/or Skywarn stations. Significant events such as widespread power outages can be reported and by agencies such as MEMA to evaluate the scope of a blackout for example. Initially, you should try and contact the EmComm Net Control Stations on the Westford 146.955 repeater to pass this information. More on this new program will be forthcoming.
EmComm Events and Repeater Use
Most everyone knows that the 146.955 repeater is used during times of emergency situations, drills and exercises. Skywarn and the monthly EmComm drills are also normal events. So what does this mean to those that are just looking for regular QSOs with other users? It means that if you are in a regular QSO and there is a significant weather situation that has been getting press/air-time lately, you can expect that if severe weather develops in our area, the folks from Taunton-WX1BOX may interrupt a QSO and ask anyone on frequency what may be happening weather-wise. The BOX operator will probably ask for specific information, hail, wind damage, property damage from lightning or wind, etc. Please give him the information he needs or tell him that you’ve not heard of any such activity. You don’t need to tell him it is sunny in Nashua!
There may come a time when an unexpected emergency situation arises. These will be significant events that may affect life and property, and this is when EmComm activity may happen. Usually an NCS will interrupt a QSO, announce the situation and ask for a QSO to cease or to be “aware” of the possibility of priority calls/traffic. Please make sure you leave breaks between transmissions so that stations with traffic can get in between QSOs. If there is enough traffic, it may be necessary for your existing/interrupted QSO to QSY another frequency. You should use your best judgment or check with the NCS on what he feels is best.
If you have any questions, please feel free to correspond with Terry-KA8SCP. All requests for repeater use can be initiated by email to info@wb1gof.org.
There may come a time when an unexpected emergency situation arises. These will be significant events that may affect life and property, and this is when EmComm activity may happen. Usually an NCS will interrupt a QSO, announce the situation and ask for a QSO to cease or to be “aware” of the possibility of priority calls/traffic. Please make sure you leave breaks between transmissions so that stations with traffic can get in between QSOs. If there is enough traffic, it may be necessary for your existing/interrupted QSO to QSY another frequency. You should use your best judgment or check with the NCS on what he feels is best.
If you have any questions, please feel free to correspond with Terry-KA8SCP. All requests for repeater use can be initiated by email to info@wb1gof.org.