RockMite club build

February 2008

Part of the joy of ham radio is sharing in experiences either learning or teaching. In this spirit, the PART club organized a kit building adventure in February of 2008 to provide club members with a chance to build a RockMite or other kit of their choosing. Many were first time kit builders who were helped along the way by the more experienced in the club. Seven radios of ten radios were completed during the event (all working!) with two more completed by their builders by the end of the weekend. The event was such fun that another similar event is already being discussed.
Kit building event participants: Front row (l-r) Scott Wood, Alan (KD1D), Rick (W1RAG), Allison (KB1GMX). Center row (l-r): Allan (K1ALL), Bob (N1RXV), Andy (KB1OIQ) and Kimberly (KB1PZG), Rich (AB1HD), Steve (WA1KBE). Back row (L-R): Hugh (N1QGE)**, Tom (K1NNJ), Randy (KB1NTF)
* Rick assembled an Idiom Press SCAF Filter
** Hugh worked on some personal projects and provided Elmering services
All other members assembled RockMites

The RockMite: a 40m QRP transceiver with built-in keyer. Ten RockMite kits were built at this event.

Kimberly (KB1PZG) assists her father Andy (KB1OIQ) with capacitor sorting

Rich (AB1HD) shows Rick (W1RAG) a soldering technique