January 2007 meeting: Mike Keller (W1BNC),
chief engineer at WCVB Television presented an overview of
Digital Television technology.
February 2007 meeting: George Maier
(W1LSB) presented a talk on Collecting and Restoring
Collins Radios
March 2007 meeting: Dave Berstein (AA6YQ)
presented an overview of the DX Lab Suite software.
April 2007 meeting: PART member Show and
Tell night. Great stuff: antennas, home-brew radios, and
May 2007 meeting: Steve (N1BDA) and Alan
(K1ALL) provided a demonstration of knot tying just in time
for Field Day. Bo (WA1QYM) presented PART Field Day plans.
June 2007: Art of QSLing
July 2007: Field Day recap
August 2007: Richard (AB1HD) did a presentation on
buying and selling on eBay.
September 2007: Scott (NE1RD) talked about his
DXpedition to Montserrat
October 2007: Miles Mann spoke about Amateur
Radio/SSTV on the International Space Station.
November 2007: Show and
December 2007: PART Holiday